Monday, July 23, 2007

Week 8 Thing 19

I went to the Web 2.0 awards list. I explored Lulu a website where you can publish your own book, a picture, music, videos or practically anything you have created. You publish your work & they market it for you on their website. They in turn collect a small fee only if anyone buys your product. They will even market it with Amazon & Barnes & Noble. Seems like a great way for a budding author to get started. I'm not sure if there is any way for Libraries to use Lulu, but maybe.

I also explored Craigs list, which is a classifed website. You put in the city you are interested in & you can look for a job, houses for sale, apartments for rent, anything for sale. This would be a good tool if you were relocating to another city.


Debby said...

Sharon - love your blog! Wish I'd known about Craigs list yesterday. I had someone here thinking about relocating to Aurora Colorado! I've got to catch up with you - just finished Week 6!

Jessica said...

You are doing great!!! If you keep it up I might have to volunteer you to help other people.

Jessica said...

Where is your Avatar? They are so fun to make. Let me know if you need help.